Pick No. 1

Archivists' Favorite: 1979 Yearbook

The 1979 yearbook features a pervasive theme that could have been inspired by fantasy novels like Lord of the Rings. We selected it as our No. 1 pick because of how much effort went into the illustrations by yearbook co-editor Nicholas E. Jainschigg ('79) and how well the staff incorporated the theme throughout the layout. The endpapers at the fore and aft of the volume are highly detailed, immaginative and quite funny. The theme uses the sections Wizards, Squires, Knights, The Roundtable and The Field of Honor  to denote of Faculty, student grades, and athletics.


Yearbook endpapers (fore and aft), 1979


Examples of theme details from the 1979 Yearbook


A sampling of the theme incorporated into the layout of the yearbook, 1979